Ein Großteil der Eliten-Medien teilt seine Meinung über PAVIGYM und PRAMA
Reuters TV
A new fitness experience popular in Europe (Prama by Pavigym) is now making its debut in the United States. It uses touch sensors to guide your workout…
Mehr wissenHuffington Post
Exercise is great for health, but it can still be a bit of a chore – which is where New York-based fitness studio Asphalt Green comes in. The gym is basically one big play …
Mehr wissenVogue
Mehr wissenForbes
Fresh from Spain and available at the Harbour Club gym in Kensington, a fitness concept called PRAMA is looking to put the fun into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with interactive tech …
Mehr wissenAtresmedia
El fitness inteligente e interactivo ha llegado a nuestras vidas de la mano de la empresa española Pavigym. “Nos hemos centrado en crear una experiencia …”
Mehr wissenChampionat
Mehr wissenOysho
Interactive screens and floors that sense each movement define this new type of sport. Balance, coordination and reaction speed …
Mehr wissenL´Equipe
Un éclairage luminescent, des effets spéciaux, de la musique et c’est parti pour une séance de fitness révolutionnaire. Le concept du Prama, terme originaire …
Mehr wissenCNBC
Mehr wissenSky News
Getting fit is always high on the agenda at the start of any new year, which is why reporter Angela Barnes has found some fun and innovative ways to help you…
Mehr wissenDiario AS
Los suelos interactivos han dado un paso más con LEDs, paredes sensibles a la presión, estaciones de entrenamiento …
Mehr wissenDK.RU
Mehr wissenWomen´s Health
PRAMA fitness–a part- dance-mat, part-Twister, part-hopscotch, part-rave of a full-body workout. Think: sprints, squats and lunges in a high-octane circuit…
Mehr wissenEl Economista
PAVIGYM es la compañía que hay tras el nuevo concepto. El consejero delegado de PAVIGYM y creador de PRAMA, Marcos Requena, describe el concepto: …
Mehr wissenThe Telegraph
Mehr wissenWomen´s Health
Pick up your own pace at AG6, a high-intensity interactive class that uses PRAMA technology to make walls and floors LED-capable and touch-responsive…
Mehr wissenMetro News
Fresh from Spain … a fitness concept called Prama is looking to put the fun into high intensity interval training (HIIT). The 45-minute class uses lights…
Mehr wissenELLE
Mehr wissenBusiness Insider
New York City gym Asphalt Green has a new high-intensity, circuit-based class that looks more like an arcade than a gym. The gym has a fully interactive workout…
Mehr wissenWomen´s Health JP
This PRAMA by PAVIGYM, which makes me think that you are like in a game center or a TV show, is now trending on US right now. Interactive floor and walls makes you…
Mehr wissenCosmopolitan HK
Mehr wissenEl Economista
PRAMA es un revolucionario concepto de fitness interactivo en el que se combinan música, coreografía, etc… para quemar 1.000 calorías en apenas 45 minutos…
Mehr wissenPopsugar
It’s no secret that the more you enjoy something the more likely you are to repeat it, and the …
Mehr wissenThe Telegraph
Mehr wissenEconomía 3
Prama Fitness lleva a Alicante una experiencia de entrenamiento única. La actividad física se desarrolla con el uso de suelos y paredes táctiles …
Mehr WissenGymBusiness
Pavigyms unika träningskoncept PRAMA har knappt lanserats i Sverige, men har redan blivit en snackis i branschen…
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